April C |
This product exceeded my expectations to the point where I must tell others. It was super sturdy, easy to assemble. I like that the walls have Velcro all the way around. it is pretty tall. I was able to use it to deep fry turkey in the tent because the walls provided great wind protection.I have to say it felt pretty cozy.
Grace |
Thank you Eurmax.It is a very good products.
This tent was manufactured with quality steel and fabrics. It’s very sturdy and the overall weight is substantial.I highly recommend this tent.
Austin |
I Loved the tent,the walls and canopy top are made better than other models.Watch the video for setting up and taking down. Remember to press the button on each leg to take it down. Easy storage and it is portable for trips, beach, etc..
I had been looking at this tent for quite a while and finally decided to buy and I'm SOOOO glad I did. This is the easiest tent I have ever put up. It normally takes at least an hour or more, but we had the tent up, side panels attached & staked and corners weighted in 30 minutes.I highly recommend the Eurmax tent.
lauren |
Amazing!! It is very sturdy. The canvas is tough enough for people traffic & rubbing against shelves, etc but thin enough to let plenty of light into our booth.The carrying case was easy to use and made transporting the tent very simple.I felt very good about that.